
Joshua George*


The increase of progranulin was further paralleled by an increase of HIF1α and a decrease of ERα towards the inner edge of the DCIS lesions validating the association between progranulin and hypoxia as well as to ERα. These data are in line with Lu et al. showing that overexpression of progranulin in ERα positive MCF7 cells induced estrogen independent proliferation via activation of cyclin D1 as well as tamoxifen resistance10. Collective data also support that hypoxia is not a solitary and local phenomenon The specific activities of catalase and glutathione peroxidase enzymes were significantly increased in group II compared with group I. The catalase activity of the irradiated parotid salivary gland was significantly reduced in groups III and IV, whereas nonsignificant reduction in glutathione activity was noticed in the parotid salivary gland of the irradiated group.

