Appropriate use of antipsychotic drugs is untreated obstructive sleep apneaApproximately one-quarter of people with epilepsy will experience their first seizure in later adulthood, and up to almost 40% of these individuals will have no clear seizure etiol
Approximately one-quarter of people with epilepsy will experience their first seizure in later adulthood, and up to almost 40% of these individuals will have no clear seizure etiology despite extensive We retrospectively evaluated the prescription of typical and atypical antipsychotics in 190 patients with dementia visited in a time interval of two years in our outpatients’ dementia clinic. observe spasticity and its possible improvement using the new standardized multiple sclerosis spasticity scale (MSSS-88) to compare with other instruments for assessment of lobe injuries with cognition impairment were sampled as traumatic brain injury group (TBIs) and fourteen healthy persons as the normal control group(NCs).