Optimisasi dosis dan kualitas citra pada radiologi diagnostik


  • Rahman Mulia* Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Minia University Israel
  • Evan Soejoko National Laboratory of Nanotechnology, Area of Nano biotechnology Iraq


Medical Imaging accounts for the largest radiation exposure of population from artificial sources of radiation. The radiation dose received by patients from medical X-ray examinations in Nigeria has shown large variations within and among diagnostic centers for similar examinations. This could be traced to lack of imaging protocols and availability of local or national diagnostic reference levels. The purpose of this study is to use film densitometry to estimate radiation absorbed dose to patients undergoing chest X-ray examination in the hospitals where this study was carried out, in order to determine their levels of exposure and compare with internationally recommended limits.Although the radiation doses resulting from diagnostic X-ray examinations are routinely measured in terms of entrance surface dose and effective dose using thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD), optically stimulated luminescent dosimeter (OSLD), film badges, pocket dosimeter and electronic personal dosimeter (EPD). In this study for the purpose of radiation protection, the radiation doses from chest X-ray examination were estimated in terms of Mean Optical Density (MOD), by means of densitometer.

